Wednesday, August 31, 2011

CAM Plant

CAM stands for Crassulacean acid metabolism. This basically means that a plant takes in carbon dioxide during the night so it can use it throughout the daytime, which allows the stomata to stay closed. Some prime examples of this kind of plant would be cacti and pineapple- which is why there is a photograph below of pineapple. Most plants with this are found in sultry areas because it benefits them. It benefits them because using this unique adaptation lessens the amount of water loss that the plant loses during the daytime.

Sources: CAM plant. (August 28, 2008) Retrieved on August 14, 2011, from

Saturday, August 20, 2011


A carnivore is an organism that feeds primarily (or in some cases just exclusively) off of flesh. A cat or any feline is an example of a carnivore because they mainly eat meat. Even though this picture is of a domesticated cat and is fed cat food, it is still considered a carnivorous animal because in the wild it would eat meat jut like its larger cousins like lions. Some plants can also be considered carnivorous, such as the Venus Flytrap.

Sources: Carnivore. (May 11, 2008) Retrieved on August 30, 2011, from

Sunday, August 14, 2011


An autotroph is a producer. It is an organism that is capable of making complex organic molecules from simple inorganic molecules by using basic energy sources, such as sunlight. They are also capable of creating their own food, therefore making them self sufficient. An example of an autotroph would be a plant.

Autotroph. (April 22, 2009) Retrieved on August 14, 2011, from